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(hearthfive@yahoo.com )


H.E.A.R.T. stands for Home Educated and Resourceful Teens.  This unique group seeks to serve students grades 7-12, as well as their parents, through the sharing of information, resources, and ideas, in addition to fostering community service and leadership opportunities. A student leadership team is elected at the end of each school year so that the student officers can meet over the summer to plan some events for the following school year.  Parents are encouraged to direct their students to plan activities, field trips, educational classes, and service opportunities, thereby receiving credit toward their HERALD 5 commitments in attendance and job fulfillment.


Meeting times are 2:30-4:30 PM on the second Tuesday and fourth Friday of each month. Most meetings are at Dutch Fork Baptist Church. However, certain events are held at other places.


Some past highlights include working with Operation Christmas Child in both Columbia and Charlotte, NC, serving lunch at HIS International, and putting together a yearbook at the end of the year. A high school graduation is cooperatively arranged as the need arises.


Group leaders: 


Tammy Philon - rotalo@bellsouth.net 


Pam Ott - craftyott@aol.com

Tammy Philon

Pam Ott

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HERALD 5 - Home Educators of Richland and Lexington District 5