Science & History Classes/Programs
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Home School Science Classes at MAD SCIENCE of Columbia

Each Thursday 12:30-1:30, we offer exciting, hands-on science classes for homeschoolers in a fun, interactive environment. We have ala carte’ offerings so you may pick and choose your topics.  Our curriculum is correlated to National and SC State Science standards.  Safety is always first at MAD SCIENCE! You also get FREE pre & post resource packets for each class that include vocabulary, reading suggestions,  as well as cross curriculum ideas for relating to other subject areas.  All children get a “take home” with each class designed to extend their learning through play at home.  Sign up early to save $5.00 per child per class. We have FUN down to a SCIENCE!

Information & Registration on-line 

Call Paige Carson Covington, Senior Instructor/Operations Manager for easy, no hassle phone registration or further information (803) 739-2122.





South Carolina Confederate Relic Room & Military Museum

For over a century, the SC Confederate Relic Room and Military Museum's
mission has been to collect and preserve the military history of this state. 
When you enter Columbia's oldest museum, you uncover the state's martial tradition from the Revolutionary War to the present War on Terror.  

The second Friday of each month is Homeschool Friday at the SC Confederate Relic Room and Military. Sessions start at 10:00AM and last approximately one hour. The programs are geared toward students of all ages and include lectures and activities. Topics for this school year's sessions are listed on the website



Zao Life

Zao Life offers 4 SCAIHS-approved high school courses. For information or registration call (803) 381-4989 or email These classes are taught by home-school dad, Dr. Sam Rubinson, in his home located at 25 Shadowfield Drive, West Columbia (near the intersection of I 20 & 378). Visit website


½ credit 75 hours Leadership or Bible Elective  

Cost: $225 plus an estimate of $65 for the backpacking trip

COURSE DESCRIPTION:  The student will explore, in principle and experience, the biblical foundations, contemporary expressions, and soft skills of effective leadership. This course will feature experiential phase training in character development, problem solving, group relational navigation, conflict/emergency management, non-verbal assessments, and coping with  weakness, failure, and limitations. A weekend backpacking trip to Pisgah National Forest, NC will put all of the student’s learning to the test in a real life situation.


½ credit 75 hours Ethic or Leadership Elective  Cost: $225

COURSE DESCRIPTION:  The purpose of this course is to examine the moral responsibilities of leadership in a variety of contexts. Ethics is about right and wrong, in individuals and in our relationships. In this course, we will learn about leadership by studying ethics.  The course rests on the assumption that leadership is a subset of ethics rather than ethics being a subset of leadership studies. We will examine the ethics of what leaders are, what they do, and how they do it.  


½ credit 75 hours History or Philosophy Elective  

Cost: $225 plus Book:  “The Battle for the Truth” by David A. Noebel

COURSE DESCRIPTION:  “The term worldview refers to any ideology, philosophy, theology, movement, or religion that provides an overarching approach to understanding God, the world, and man’s relations to God and the world.” (pg. 2).  In this course the student will examine, compare and contrast the four major worldviews (Secular Humanism, Marxism/Leninism, Cosmic Humanism, and Biblical Christianity).   Emphasis will be placed on ten major areas that that affect most ever area of our life.  (Theology, Philosophy, Ethics, Biology, Psychology, Sociology, Law, Politics, Economics, and History.)  Student will need their own copy of the text book and will have to keep up with the weekly reading schedule, handed out the first day of class.


½ credit 75 hrs. History Elective   Cost: $225 plus cost of study guide

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course covers the entire Bible.  It deals with the relationships and content of each book set in its historical perspective.  The purpose of this course is to study these relationships, and in particular the progress and unity of what God is doing and saying through Ancient History.  Therefore this course will explore the hand of God from creation to about 100AD.  This will touch on the major civilizations that interacted with the biblical text up to the early Roman Empire.




DISCLAIMER: Out-of-home classes and resources can enhance the homeschooling experience. These educational opportunities can supplement a family's homeschool curriculum and offer a supportive network. The privilege and legal responsibility of overseeing the home education of the child remains with the parents.

HERALD 5 - Home Educators of Richland and Lexington District 5