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Encouraging mothers of home schoolers through biblical edification based on standards from our HERALD 5 Statement of Faith that encompasses capturing your children's hearts so that they will have a closer walk with God.

The motto for this group is encouraging mothers of homeschoolers through biblical edification based on standards from our HERALD 5 Statement of Faith that encompasses capturing your children's hearts so that they will have a closer walk with God.  The leaders of this group sincerely desire to provide the families in this group with a vision for the tremendous journey the Lord has us on called "home schooling." This group will seek to meet the support needs of the home educating families through the following offerings:

  • Monthly theme-based times of prayer and sharing ways to "navigate" ourselves and our children in a Godly direction (times/location to be announced)
  • Casual Moms' nights out at a local restaurant where we exchange practical home school and household tips and/or merely get together for fun (times/locations to be announced)
  • Monthly children's activities such as play days and field trips, planned as needed by our members (times/locations will vary)
  • One or two events for couples throughout the year (of course, the annual Couples' Christmas Party at the Baghdady's)

Other than the exception for the children's activities and field trips, our regular meetings will alternate between Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Each group member will perform a job within the small group in addition to any chosen responsibilities for the larger group. Regular attendance will be encouraged.

PS... Our major mode of communication is via a yahoo site and e-mail. It is very easy and we will be more than happy to train you in this, but if you are unable or unwilling to keep in the "loop" with the group via this avenue, this group is probably not for you.

Group leader:

Tami Mitchell -

Tami Mitchell


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The HERALD 5 Navigators have a Yahoo! Group that you may join.  You are welcome to join if you are a 2009-2010 member of HERALD 5.  You must use the same email address that you provided on your HERALD 5 application so that we can verify your membership.  Once your membership has been verified, an invitation to the Yahoo! Group will be sent to the e-mail address you provided and you must merely respond to a few prompts to register for the group. Be sure to make create a password that you can easily remember if the event that you would like to access the Yahoo! Group to view the calendar of events, post your completed membership activities, etc. If you are a member of another H5 small group, but want to receive notification of our events, you may also be added to our Yahoo! Group. Thank you!

Subscribe to the HERALD5navigators AFTER the Spring Meeting

Click here for directions on joining the Yahoo! Group


Already a member of the HERALD 5 Navigators Yahoo! Group?  Great!  Click on the logo below to go to the group website (you will need to login).  You can view the calendar and all messages posted to the group there.

Click here to send an email to ALL members of the HERALD 5 Navigators (PRIMARY members of the Yahoo! Group only).

Return to Small Groups page.

HERALD 5 - Home Educators of Richland and Lexington District 5