
National homeschool resources
  • HSLDA (Home School Legal Defense Association)- offers legal advice as well as huge online resource of homeschooling help for high school and struggling learners.
  • NHERI (National Home Education Research Institute) -specializes in all homeschool research.
  • NATHHAN (NATional cHallenged Homeschoolers Associated Network) -resources for homeschooling children with special needs or disabilities.
State homeschool resources
  • SCHEA (South Carolina Home Educators Association) -SCHEA was formed in 1987 to support home educators in South Carolina and to perform a lead role to create legal protection for home education in South Carolina. SCHEA, working with many other concerned individuals and organizations, was instrumental in convincing the state legislature to create the first South Carolina law requiring recognition of home schooling in 1988. Today, committed volunteer home school families from across the state continue to work through SCHEA to create opportunities and support to the home school community and promote an accurate and favorable image of home education in South Carolina.
  • SCHEA produces the annual state homeschool convention in June as well as an information-packed quarterly newsletter. Membership in SCHEA is significantly discounted for HERALD5 members, and is available each year when registering for HERALD5. For registration and more detailed information on this year's SCHEA Convention, visit SCHEA's website.

  • Carolina Homeschooler Network -The Carolina Homeschooler network formed in 2004 to increase communication and support for South Carolina's Third Option homeschoolers. Third Option homeschoolers are those who choose to register through an accountability association which operates under Section 59-65-47 (the third option) of the SC Code of Laws. Their members benefit by having full access to this website and enjoying discounts on our online courses and trip registration fees. They're also able to participate in events and classes reserved for members only. SAFE in HERALD5 is a member of the Carolina Homeschooler Network.
Local homeschool resources
Local area classes and opportunities abound in the greater Columbia area.